Sunday, November 11, 2007

Keep An Eye On Your Eyes

Yellow Eyes: Most eyes take on a yellow-brown tinge with age, though a diet high in fat and low in fruit and veg can make it worse. It won’t affect sight, but if it’s pronounced and affects the skin it could be jaundice. See your GP.

Foggy Sight: Could be an early sign of cataracts, opaque patches on the lens that are operable. Could also be glaucoma, pressure in the eye that can cause blindness if not picked up.

Puffy Eyes: Usually means something is irritating the eye, perhaps an allergy, or sometimes water retention. Can occasionally signal a thyroid problem. In which case the neck may swell up too.

Flashing Lights: Visual disturbances can be a sign of stress. But it can also be a warning of retinal detachment, so have an eye exam to rule that out.

Double Vision: Aside from alcohol, a common cause is untreated childhood squint. But if it appears in later life it could signal multiple sclerosis, stroke, a tumour or other disease.

Blurring: Long- and short- sightedness and astigmatism can all cause this, so you need glasses or a new prescription. But blurring can also be a symptom of high blood pressure or uncontrolled diabetes, or the beginnings of age-related macular degeneration: this comes to us all but can be slowed by taking a lutein supplement.

Sty: A harmless infection forming a small, often painful abscess at the base of an eyelash or inside the eyelid. Will usually disappear on its own, but can be treated with antibiotic ointment,

Floaters: Usually just a shadow cast by the natural proteins in your eye. But if you suddenly start seeing lots or they are coloured, the it could signal bleeding or a torn retina.

Aching Eyes: Probably caused by working close up or in front of a PC’s screen. Take regular breaks.

Red, gritty eyes: Could be an infection or allergy, but it may be a trapped lash or bit of make-up. See an optometrist. Contact lenses can be a cause too: daily disposables may help.

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