“A ground-breaking study of 4117 marijuana smokers in California reveals that the ‘Gateway Theory’ probably had it backwards. Instead of enticing young people to use other drugs, this study suggests that marijuana may have the opposite effect.”
A clinical study involving medical cannabis applicants, which comprised of the working population with stable families and homes, revealed that regardless whether they smoke cannabis daily or weekly, some for decades already, no harmful or damaging changes were observed. Everything turned out to be remarkably normal.
For the majority of these applicants, their medical cannabis use decreased their use of alcohol, tobacco, and hard drugs. When asked to make a comparison between their present alcohol consumption with their lifetime high, more than 10% said they’ve abstained and almost 90% claimed to have cut their alcohol drinking in half!
The same individuals also reported using medical cannabis as self-medication for anxiety and stress. Fewer or no side effects were observed as compared with the side effects brought about by legally prescribed medication.
A significant percentage of male applicants were treated for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) during their childhood. Their consistent use of small amounts of medical cannabis every morning shows that their ability to concentrate has been enhanced and now they can focus more on one problem at a time.